Monday, February 28, 2011

Casting, Casting, Casting...
Well... after three weeks of posting our open casting call,  'With Her' has received 403 submissions! Now it's time to hunker down, and sift through the piles of head shots and cv's and find the best of the bunch for the upcoming audition day. We certainly have a lot of work to do!

Gerson has very specific characters in mind, and finding the right people to create the mood and chemistry that we're looking for is not going to be easy. We wish that everyone could have a role in the film, but unfortunately we're only making a short film with a few scenes and the selection is going to take the four hundred submissions and reduce them to the final three major characters, two supporting characters, and about a dozen background.

If you wanted to be considered for auditions and didn't get your cv/headshot in for the end of the deadline, we regretfully have to decline your entry out of fairness to those who did submit in time. Please continue to follow along as we come closer and closer to shooting in June! There's rarely a dull moment with Producing 'With Her', and Gerson has been hard at work creating storyboards and floor plans for the script. This coming week we will see new blogs from Gerson, keep an eye on the Blog!

Till next week,

Kristopher Finnigan

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