Friday, April 8, 2011

Say Hello To Our Little Cast...

Wow! It's been a little bit since we last posted, things got a little crazy with casting and other aspects of our pre-production process.  The good news is that EKG Films is moving right along with our production of "With Her".  We're ecstatic about how far we've come in our journey to making this picture.  We're about two months away from shooting and things are getting more and more exciting.  As the writer/director of the film I'm more excited than anybody else, although I think Kris and Emer would argue against that.  We're also looking forward to continuing to blog about our process, you know the ups,downs and hurdles of filmmaking.  As we all know with any type of art the final product never comes easy but the feeling of having something completed that you've put your time, effort, and love into is amazing.  Alright enough small talk onto our first big update...

We have our principle cast!  After an arduous screening process and having the difficult task of choosing who would play William, Sophia, and Matthew.  We've made our decision and we're extremely happy to have these three wonderful actors who have not only impressed us with their acting but have demonstrated a great passion for their craft and a sincere love for the script (again as the writer of the film, I can not express the joy that I got from the very nice comments that were made about the script) and the project as whole.  We're all really excited to get going!  So with out delaying any further I would like to introduce to all of you the three actors who will be breathing life into the characters of William, Sophia, and Matthew.  Ladies first, as always...

Rebecca Liddiard is a current alum of Ryerson University (Performance: Acting program).  In her young career she has been a part of an array of theatre, t.v. and film productions.  Not only can she act but she has training in dancing and has recently been certified to do stage combat (how cool is that!).  I couldn't have asked for anyone better to play the role of Sophia and I look forward to working with Rebecca and seeing her bring something special to the role.

Next we have our William, Joseph Murray.  Joseph is a graduate of drama and music from the University of Guelph.  He has also been involved with various productions which include both theater and film.  Aside from being a good actor, Joseph will bring a cool softness to the character that we look forward to seeing.  He will be the perfect compliment to Rebecca and I know their on screen chemistry will not only by great but a joy to watch.

Our Matthew. Taylor Davis is a bit of seasoned actor.  He spent sometime in New York where he was a part of various theatre productions and also did some teaching in improvisational acting.  He has comedic acting experience and he's ready to bring some of those acting chops to a more dramatic role.  Taylor will bring that subtle wisdom and wonderful wit that will make Matthew a really great and endearing character.

So there you have it folks, our principle cast.  Aren't they great?  Again on behalf of EKG Films, we're really happy to have these three amazing people on board with us on this project and we look forward to making a great film.  Until the next blog, which won't take as long to post.  We promise!

With Her

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