Thursday, March 10, 2011

Meet William

He read the stories of Dickens, Faulkner and Kafka.  He was inspired by the words of Kerouac and Ginsberg.  He loved the works of Shakespeare and Miller.  He wanted to write poetry like Rambaud, Keates and Frost.  He wanted to be like them.  They inspired him.

William is driven by his passion to write, he has never loved anything more.   This is the essence of his character.  Though, like Matthew, William has his complexities.  Literature he gets, life and relationships is another thing.  He wants to write his book but leaving the stability of his job is difficult for him.  Even when he is encouraged by his friends to do so, William hesitates, until at last he takes the plunge.  He's intelligent and funny, some would say a real "catch".  Yet when it comes to relationships he struggles.  He knows that love is out there, he's been close to having it once or twice.  Women like him and find him endearing but every relationship ends the same way; a relationship that culminates with him ending it. When asked for a reason, he gives the same answer "maybe she just wasn't the one".  In part that is true, maybe these woman haven't been the one but the other part would be, that he doesn't approach these relationships with the same passion that he does towards his craft.  Maybe it would take someone very special to for him to do that.  No one knows, not even William.

While his romantic relationships never seem to work out, the relationships with his family and friends are great.  William can be counted on.  He shows sensitivity and sincerity.  He's never sure about life or what he wants out of it (with the exception of being a successful writer, but that's obvious).  When William decided to finally focus on his first book, his intention was to write something that not only the reader would enjoy; it would also be a way for him to try understand these aspects of life that he has trouble with.  The research and interviews that he will have with Matthew aren't solely for his book.  They are a road he must take to try and discover himself.  He isn't sure what he'll find but he will find something.

Here it is, the final character.  William.  What I wanted you (the eventual audience) to get out of this, is the understanding that William is on a journey.  This journey includes, finishing his first book (a goal that he has set for himself) and also to somehow try to understand life, love, and relationships.  I hope that I have in someway done for you.  Thanks for reading.

Gerson J. Peña
With Her

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